
Sunday, 25 February 2007

Offensive posting removed...

OK, so I like the occasional rant about right-wingers. We all have our vices...
Now that true blue in-laws have gone, I just wish this article had come out while they were here as they are quite big fans of the jelly bean, naturellement. See guys, multicuralism and tolerance of your fellow man whatever he may be aint such a bad thing after all...

Thursday, 22 February 2007

Daddy, what is it you actually do??

Well, I began by starting my usual description "I consult in the technology space, forming and leading teams..." then I paused. thought for a second. "actually I spend most of my time waiting". "Waiting for the system, waiting for the web, waiting for someone to actually do something they promised... that kind of thing"

Wednesday, 14 February 2007

Not Ticket bitch.... how about his playtoy?

Well I fancy him. I think he is lovely. We could split him into shifts. You can be his ticket bitch during the day and I will be his playtoy during his downtime. :) Simply lovely!

Tuesday, 13 February 2007

My dream job.... looking at that same arse :-)

Jack has a seriously cool watch I believe. I don't fancy him as much though, but that's just an accident of gender.

Monday, 12 February 2007

My dream job...

Ian asked me recently in my review, "what makes you get out of bed and come to work?". It's a tough one, I love what I do most of the time, but if I got to sit next to this every morning I must confess I wouldn't need to think about reasons to motivate me further.

So, I am planning to send my CV into CTU. I reckon I could be their ticket bitch when their agents shoot the wrong man or deal with the President when they have missed their SLA on capturing the terrorists.

This photo is Jack checking out my arse as I trot past his desk in my heels and tight jeans. Put your hands back on the desk where I can see them... Naughty Jack!!

oh Well said!

After reading Nuala's post - I have to agree! Everytime the "crumblies" come round, the conversation decays into a rabid rant on "immigrants" and I get reminded about how much tax I pay etc etc...

One day I said, very loudly "I think that's crap!"

They all paused, agreed with me, then ranted on... Me? I had another glass...

The Daily Mail has come to town...

I must confess there are many benefits to being an ex-pat- or more acurately somebody who lives and works away from that place called 'home' given that I am not on any special package out here, and rightly so. The more we progress with technology, the easier it becomes and the less you really miss. Example- Skype and chats with the webcam, being able to download English telly, reading The Sun online etc etc. In the past decade I have spent just 3 years in the UK, with 2 years in Japan, 3 years in France and the past almost 2 years here in Hong Kong. The downside to this is, of course, being away from family and old friends. I will be right up there when tickets go on sale for trips on the (2nd generation of) teletransportation machines going on sale or at least when some fabulously fast aircraft is invented. Anyway, I digress. One benefit of living abroad is that you really can bury your head in the sand when it comes to politics and views of both a domestic nature (never read the local papers here) and from back home. Of course I am interested in the issues, but I don't see them as my issues or frankly my concern because I am not part of it.

I've always felt it important to know what's going on and have an informed view and balanced opinion of things, and growing up we always had lively discussions on all sorts of matters from human rights, politics, history and why my Dad could never support England at anything ever (he's Scottish).

One school of thought I have such a hard time with is what I see as the the classic, middle-England, middle-class, right-wing, Daily Mail-reading views where anything bad that happens to good Old Blighty is because of blacks, immigrants, gays, labour supporters, anyone on the dole and, dare I say, women that go out to work leaving their children with nannies and their husbands without a decent excuse for helping around the house now and again.

Now I am all for a lively debate, but this is way of thinking that no matter how hard I try I just cannot appreciate their point of view. Sometimes the views are in fact very subtle, references to the Irish (a certain generation still has a hard time with them) which irk me, blink and you'll miss it comments regarding gays, blaming society's ills on the current wave of immigrants working hard to make a living and a future or peoples expressing their non-Christian religions on British soil. I want to be polite and not react, but fuck I find it hard.

Some say your views and beliefs are formed very early on in life, and whilst I agree this can form a good foundation, a good education can also enable us to articulate clearly our own views too. It almost pains me, for example, to hear my parents-in-law rant on about how immigrants seem to be the reason the UK is falling to bits when not 2 generations ago my father in law's own family were fleeing some poor Eastern European country that had a problem with Jews. "I'm in now, mate, bolt the gates!".

Like I said, I haven't really lived in the UK very much over the past 15 years or so, and I was laughing with my Dad when I read on the news that the population or Southampton (my home town) is 10% Polish. I just didn't know that. And my Dad's view? "Aye hen, it's been like that for years. And they are bloody hard workers".

We're all immigrants in one way or another. Me here in Hong Kong, my Scottish Dad and Irish Mum in Southampton, my Polish Jew father-in-law in Cheshire, all just trying to make a living and live our lives as best we can.

Anyway, I could go on about the ills of evil Tony Blair, the NHS, the evils of Gordon Brown... but it's only Monday and I have a whole three weeks more to go!!

Sunday, 11 February 2007

When will this year ever end?

Christ, is it just me or is this year already flying past? Two weeks into Feb and already it feels like I have worked half a year. I am working on a project being led by (a) Ruth(less) tyrant PM who cracks her virtual whip at 7.30am every morning! We love her though, and she's working twice as hard herself so I canny complain.

Anyway, it feels like pretty much since this time last year I have spent a year swimming upstream, dealing with a veritable deluge of shitty complaints, bitch tickets and generally people whining about actually doing their job. Being the eternal optimist, my hope is that the new system we will soon be rolling out will help turn the negative into the positive and the lazy and ineffectual into the exposed and replaced.