
Wednesday, 6 June 2007

A funny old week...

I've been meaning to come and blog all week, but here it is so far in a nutshell:
Monday- wanted to write about the joys of a 2.5 year old driving me and her Daddy to distraction but generally being a spolit little brat for throwing tantrums which culminated in me weeping and calling my Mum for help on Sunday night, as David looked on imploringly with his "what about the Yorkshire puddings, Fi?" eyes... Mum, as ever patient, listening and understanding and never-judgemental gave me some good advice (my opening line to her had been "Can you please come over and make Nuala behave?" So Monday was spent getting the things she had suggested- the Supernanny book, a booster chair for Miss Binnion to eat properly at the table, and confiscating Nuala's CDs and her big dog as punishment. Monday evening when I returned home, Nuala had got the message and peace (or sorts) had been restored.
Tuesday- French consulate declines my application for French passport for Nuala (necessary for her to get a priority place at the French school). Born in France but not French unless one of us is, apparently. It's a bit of a grey area, so we have appealed to the school to advise us what to do. Meanwhile, Miss B continues to behave (my God, that confiscation thing worked) and ate properly at the dining table. However, got some bad news that a close friend of David's had lost her 13 month battle with cancer. 13 months ago she was given 2 months to live, but this girl complete with her zest for life and firecracker personality right to the end (think Tarantino's Jackie Brown swaying her hips through the airport on a long-haired rock-chick Japanese girl) managed to eek out an extra 11 months before she made her way up to the great disco in the sky.
Wednesday- one small "I will not brush my teeth" wobbly, 2 minutes on the naughty chair and the threat of Mickey Mouse et al being confiscated, I get my angel back. Could this really be working? At work, it's business as usual. Grovelling apologies and some vitual slaps. I think I need a holiday!

Telle est la vie des hommes. Quelques joies, très vite effacées par d'inoubliables chagrins. Il n'est pas nécessaire de le dire aux enfants.

1 comment:

Catman said...

Bloody hell! Quite a week indeed. I really sympathise with the cancer loss - my sister went the same way...

With the French, you should be able to swing it, you just need contacts (who to send the wine to) - personaly I would speak to Bruno for advice...

Kids & discipline? Every one is different but it sounds like you've found the magic button for now :-)