
Thursday, 20 September 2007

Looking for work

So here's he start of my "looking for work section". We will see how it goes.

I have noticed the way we now look for jobs has changed significantly from the last time I seriously looked, which would have been in 1994! (My last move, 7 years ago, classic social networking at its best, colleague of a colleague type of thing, so the last time I actually LOOKED was 13 years ago - "gulp - am I that old?"). Having said that, I did find that 1994 job online - oh yes, before the "web proper" we would scurry about in separate online (dial-up!) communities like "Compuserv" and in this particular case "Cix".

There's certainly a plethora of online sites to register with, and it does appear that most use keyword matching technology to send reasonably specific opportunities to one's electronic inbox. Its not perfect however, so far the funniest one I've had was for a Director's PA :-)

The skill now is to produce a CV with the right keywords so that the right roles land on one's doorstep!

Onward & upward

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