
Thursday, 6 December 2007

Homeward bound

It feels like I've been away for a month... oh, I have been away for a month! Getting ready to start the journey home - for me the best part of any trip... Reflecting on the experience here shows many contradictions, for example, coming to Florida to fly was supposed to mean less problems with the weather, but I spent 10 days grounded for this very reason 7 days in one run. However, the deed is done and I have the documents to apply for the license. There are some great people that work here, but there are also some that need to take a long look at how they operate. There is HUGE potential for making the experience much more enjoyable, but several of the key staff seem to have become so jaded that they cannot or will not make any effort.

The real big plus has been meeting some really great people, some fellow "students" and instructors. A really colorful group who's spirit helps carry everyone through the bad bits.

I'll be back to reality soon enough.


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